Act X

Scene I

It's been a while since my last post. I kinda caught a love bug or something like that, didn't feel like playing or even afking D: Everyday, felt like I wanted to sleep. Thank you GG for pulling me out of the dumpster and lending me your virtual shoulder xD for always listening and encouraging me. :')

There was an event after the Thursday patch, 100% increase in combat EXP and 50% on stance EXP. Master cards were also given away, so I believe everyone got Masters now. I decided to save mine for the incoming NPC's ;).

Felt like sleeping outside, the wind feels good. :3

I participated in tonight's Colony War, I missed doing it, since I've been absent for 2 weeks due to real life stuff ;). I joined the colony breaker squad (as usual), since I'm not good at PVP ever D: and I'm lagging like mad.

How did they do that? *_*

Turrets circling the colony, how? D: I'm such a noob, I don't have Jack or Angie xD. I've always wanted to raise one, I just didn't have the time.

After CW, GG, Growies and I went to circus. Unfortunately, Growies got hit and we didn't have soul crystal, so we went ahead. We set our looting rule to "by turns" so no worries Growies ;)

Soul Crystal... a must Y_Y
I was still inside Circus when Faction Fury Raids started, so I skipped. I'll just join next time ;).

While in town, I saw an angel :P and it gave me free buff haha.

Le angel :3
I like her dress >3<

For the rest of the night, I think I will afk to make use of the event EXP. It's good to be back. :')


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