Act IX

Scene I

Now, say goodbye to the beach.. Y_Y Gori is back in the city. She needs to work to be able to buy bananas, have internet connection and survive.

My hands are ready to click the mouse like crazy again, aside from the occasional freestyle strokes at the beach, my hands were given blissful rest but were not able to flee from the wrath of camera shutter release clicking D:

Having been deprived of online connection for 3 days, I immediately logged-in upon arrival :P. My beloved friends gave me a warm welcome *_* (thank you! Gori missed you a lot).

Taking rest after defeating Arsene
Taking rest after defeating Arsene
GG, Growies and I did circus, I don't know if the mobs are getting stronger or I'm just getting weaker D: but we were still able to finish it. GG was so sleepy so he had to go. I did my usual daily routines. Gramps had chipped another of his scammed item and made it 3DR (Speaks to self: He always get his things at a cheap price, WHY? HOW? D:) GG also got another bling, a +2DR Silver Rosario. And I.. *facepalms* need to work harder like he does to upgrade my items. Blaaaah.. >3< Why am I too lazy? *chomps banana*

I finished Otite Quest by defeating Jurgen. I tanked using my scout *hugs scout*. He's so reliable <3.

I learned a new kind of laugh D:

Trolling Jurgen

Jurgen got mad. He attacked. D:
I tried to barbecue him.
He was burned and he cried in pain.
Otite Quest completed. Now to Byron we go! :3
Afterwards, Monte invited me for Castilla Mine. To my suprise, Estraller was there. He's really nice and helpful and way way strong so the raid was finished almost immediately. I got Deka's skull on this run and finished Castilla Episode 1 questline. I wonder when I will be able to enter Catilla Relic (?_?).

Estraller in action :D


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