That feeling...

When you play around with friends... so much fun even if you're not really doing anything.
Growies, Adnehz and me after PVP practice/o/
The three of us again, after ASV
Toty's Uncle Wiggle was so drunk he fell in love with Bomie

When you see new a new boss and she 1 HKO all of my characters...
Nephthys has her clothes on all of the wrong places
Catwalks with so much poise

When you get disconnected while raiding and on WXPVP...
Again and again

When you couldn't do anything while your friend is being mistreated with words she doesn't deserve... nor does anyone.
So helpless

Even in-game, we experience a lot of things, feel different emotions. Don't forget that the one you're talking to is a human, with feelings.

"If you give a little love you can get a little love of your own."

I'm being idealistic again but someone told me I should just be myself and yeah, this is how I feel. :'D


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