Let's Farm!

Scene I

I know -_-". Ustiur Farm has been released for so long already but I wasn't so eager to do it because.. err.. noob here! xD

I just started farming because of Gramp's encouragement xD. He taught me the basics and the rest I just need to figure out since I can't bug him everytime :X.

First, I bought an empty land and planted my first cabbage, setup turret. Removed weeds and killed rabbits.

Then bought animal traps and captured capybaras from Capybara Plantation. My first pet! Isn't it cute? :'3 Then I also bought feeding plate and threw in a bunch of feed stuff.

Baby Capy :3
Then, Oz went out to hunt bees. This hunt is more difficult, since bee population on Ustiur is very low and to add to the difficulty, is their size. I can barely see them amidst all these dinosaurs and creepy walking plants.

Show yourselves bees! *rage*
"Patience my dear." *breathes*

There you are!! D:
Then I revived the bee soul stones at the farm. *Tyrant mode*

I'm watching you. You better work hard. >:(
*Le wild comodo appears* Kyaaaaa! Face palms at the turret damage. I have to kill the comodo myself. To my surprise... my Capy-chan died. D: My happiness on pet raising was short-lived. Now I have to get a new Capy-chan. :(

It's just a baby :'((( *sobs*
And some random screenies:

Billy and Nana... what a story. Perfect. Just when I'm avoiding this kind of conversation :X

I know, I know... *runs away* :'(
*touch rifle* Curiosity kills.


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